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speed long中文是什么意思

用"speed long"造句"speed long"怎么读"speed long" in a sentence


  • 远台快球
  • "speed"中文翻译    n. 1.快,迅速。 2.速率,速度。 3.(汽车的)变 ...
  • "long"中文翻译    adj. (longer longest ) 1.长,长 ...
  • "long distance at moderate speed" 中文翻译 :    中速长游
  • "long distances at moderate speed" 中文翻译 :    长距离的中速游
  • "long pass speed" 中文翻译 :    长传速度(卡洛斯的“射传”就是关系到这个数值)
  • "long-range cruise speed" 中文翻译 :    最大航程巡航速度
  • "long term tape speed variation" 中文翻译 :    长期带速变化
  • "-long" 中文翻译 :     表示“向”,“在”:endlong, sidelong.
  • "a long" 中文翻译 :    阿垅
  • "as long as" 中文翻译 :    (表示条件)只要……; 达…之外,长达; 只要..; 只要,如果; 只要,如果,既然,由于; 只要,如果;既然,由于
  • "for long" 中文翻译 :    持续很长时间; 长久的; 长久地; 很久,很长时间(否定句疑问句中)
  • "it is long" 中文翻译 :    它很长
  • "long" 中文翻译 :    n. 朗〔姓氏〕。 vi. 渴想,极想,渴望 (for, 〔古语〕 after to do)。 adj. (longer longest ) 1.长,长的。 a long way 远距离。 a long way off 离得很远。 It is five feet long. 这有五英尺长。 2.个子高的。 a long man 高个子的人。 3.长久的,长期的。 a long friendship 长期的友谊。 a long memory 长久不忘的好记性。 a long note 远期票据。 It will be long before we know the truth. 很久以后真相才会大白。 It will not be long before we know the truth. 不久真相就会大白。 Now we shan't be long! 〔口语〕这回就好啦! 4.冗长的,拖长的。 Don't be long about it! 别慢吞吞的。 She is long in coming. 她姗姗来迟。 5.…以上,足足。 three long hours 足足三小时。 a long mile 一英里以上。 6.达到远方的。 have a long arm (为了扩张势力)把手伸到老远。 take a long view of the matter 从长远考虑这事。 7.〔诗〕长音的,重读的;【语音】长音(节)的。 8.【商业】行情看涨的,做多头的。 be on the long side of the market. 做多头。 9.长于…的。 be long on understanding 理解力强。 10.众多的,充足的,大的。 Corn is in long supply. 谷物供应充足。 fetch long prices 售得高价。 have a long family 有很多子女。 read a long list of books 读很多书。 as broad as it is long 反正都一样。 as long as 1. 长达…,达…之久 (as long as five years 长达五年之久)。 2. = so long as. as long as one's arms 极长。 at (the) longest 至多。 be long in ...ing 很不容易… (Spring is long in coming. 春天好不容易才来)。 before (very) long 不(需很)久。 by a long chalk = by long chalks 〔口语〕在很大程度上,远远,…得多。 make a long arm 把手伸得老远。 make a long guess 作大致估计。 not by a long chalk [shot] 绝不;差得远。 one's long home 坟墓 (go to one's long home 死)。 adv. 1.长久;久已。 The opportunity was not long (in) coming. 机会不久就来了。 He will not be long for this world. 他活不了多久了。 I have long been meaning to write. 我早就想写信了。 It was long before he recovered. 他的病好久才痊愈。 2.始终。 all day [night] long整天[夜]。 all one's life long一辈子。 3.遥远地。 a long-travelled person 曾到远处旅行的人。 any longer 〔用于否定〕(不)再 (I shall not wait (any) longer. 我不再等了)。 how long? 多久 (How long have you been here 你来了多少时候?)。 long after 很久之后。 long ago [since] 老早[以前]。 long before 老早以前。 no longer 已不,不再。 So long 〔口语〕再见! so long as 只要 (Stay so long as you like. 只要你喜欢尽管待在这儿好啦)。 n. 1.长期间。 It will not take long. 这不需要很多时间。 2.〔the L-〕 =long vacation. 3.〔pl.〕 【商业】看涨的人,做多头的人。 (opp. shorts). 4.【语音】长母音;长音节;长子音。 5.(服装的)长尺寸;〔pl.〕长裤。 for long 长久 longs and shorts 1. 诗〔尤指古希腊的和古拉丁的〕。 2. 【建筑】长短砌合。 the long and the short of it is that... 要点,梗概,总之。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
  • "long for" 中文翻译 :    渴求得到; 渴望极想; 渴望,向往; 渴望得到; 渴想; 向往
  • "long on" 中文翻译 :    在投手右后方的野手
  • "long s" 中文翻译 :    长s
  • "long-on" 中文翻译 :    【板球】掷球员右后方的守场员。
  • "at a speed of" 中文翻译 :    以…的速度
  • "at speed" 中文翻译 :    飞快地
  • "at the speed of" 中文翻译 :    以的速度; 以……速度
  • "at…speed" 中文翻译 :    以……的速度
  • "of speed" 中文翻译 :    速度的
  • "s speed" 中文翻译 :    速度
  • "speed" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.快,迅速。 2.速率,速度。 3.(汽车的)变速器,排挡。 4.(胶片,照相纸)感光速度。 5.〔古语〕兴隆,成功。 6.〔美国〕甲基苯异丙胺(类毒品)。 7. 〔美口〕(大音量和强节奏的)“重金属”(电子)摇滚乐 (=speed-metal)。 More haste, less [worse] speed. 越急越慢,欲速反迟。 The ship has a speed of 30 knots. 这条船时速30海里。 Let's accelerate the speed of our community construction. 让我们加快我们社区建设的速度。 a top speed 最大速度。 a speed of escape [escape speed] 【火箭】第二宇宙速度,逃逸速度〔克服地球引力的速度〕。 a horse of speed 快马。 (at) full speed=at the top of one's speed 用全速,开足马力。 make speed 赶快,赶紧,加快。 put on full speed 用全速,开足马力。 with speed 迅速,赶快。 wish (sb.) good speed=wish good speed (to sb.) 祝…成功。 with all speed 用全速,开足马力。 vt. (sped , speeded) (常用 speeded) 1.催,使赶快,促进,快速送传。 2.〔古语〕使成功,使成就,使兴隆。 3.祝愿成功,祝一路平安。 4.调节速度,使保持一定速度。 Speed our boat forward. It's getting dark. 使我们的小船快速前进,天黑起来了。 It's time we speed the parting guests. 现在是我们去向离别的客人们祝福一路平安的时候了。 vi. 1.迅速前进,快行 (along down up across)。 2.进行;过日子。 3.〔美国〕(汽车司机)用规定以上的速度驾驶。 4.〔古语〕成功,兴隆。 The car sped directly to the village. 汽车一直地疾驶进入村子里。 I should like to know how you speed. 我很想知道您的好情况。 God speed you! 祝成功! speed ill 不顺利。 speed up 加快(机器等的)速度;使加紧做 (sth.) (speed up the work 加紧工作)。 speed well 顺利。
  • "speed by" 中文翻译 :    飞驰而过; 迅速驶过


  • Now space satellite is used to speed long distance call
  • Now space satellites are used to speed long distance calls
  • 3 . based on analysis of the dynamical mechanism of high - speed long - distance landslide , the kinematic block model of long run - out orediction for these landslides is improved , where the critical state of landslide is regarded as initial state
  • Because the internal structure of high - speed long - range flying objects ( hslrfo ) is so complicated and the mass distribution is extremely non - uniform , the precision of the mass characteristic parameters obtained from theoretical calculation is not enough to be applied to the practical measurement and control . the special test system for the mass characteristic parameters of high - speed long - range flying objects , therefore , is in great need and it is also necessary to study its performance
  • Base on the analysis and comparison of the existing measuring methods and the test systems of the mass characteristic parameters for the hslrfo at home and broad , an effective measuring method is developed and a reasonable measuring program is also presented , to improve the measuring precision of the mass characteristic parameter of high - speed long - range flying objects . the 3 - d molding function of ug is used to design the mechanical parts of the test system , and the motion mode and path of the movable mechanical parts is also simulated with the software of ug
  • As a wholly new economic conformation , new economy has induced transformation of the society , marked as powerful individual computer , high - speed long distance communication and internet it made all economic layers in the stage of revolution and also behaved prominently that knowledge element has been one of the most important economic resources and the modes of manufacture organization , market organization etc . at this new circumstance , multinational corporations are sure to be affected by the new economy and the foreign direct investment is sure to show a lot of new points too
用"speed long"造句  
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